Humans of Excellence

Real Community Hero’s Below

Robyn Kimbaly – Construction Trafic Controler

Todays beautiful soul is Robyn Kimbaly. A positive and bubbly person who brings a whole lot of happiness when she comes along to the dips. Robyn always makes you feel appreciated and loved just by being you. Robyn has faced some health challenges head on with a huge smile, a bucket load of positivity and a warm heart.We love you Robyn, the day is brighter when we get to give you a big hug.Here are Robyn’s words.Why did you start coming to the dips?I met Paul at work and he was one of my fave people to talk to, he was always so kind, super inspiring, real and supportive.His wise words helped me through some tough times so when I saw he had set himself the early morning dip challenge for 365 days I was keen to get on board and show him my support. Once I showed up and jumped off that jetty for the first time, I was hooked, that seems to happen to everyone ?Why have you continued to come to the dips?Where to start!T.H.E. Project is my home in my home away from home!The friends I’ve made their are my family.The smiles, the laughter, the chats, the HUGS….the singing and dancing! The silliness!The real, raw love and positive energy you receive from such like minded but at the same time such diverse souls.A morning with this community is the best buzz ever, it lifts every part of me. I don’t go as often as I’d like to but when I do it’s the best recharge I could wish for.I reset, its the perfect start to the day, just showing up is pushing out your comfort zone although mornings are my fave time of the day!I love anything a bit alternative but this is my fave thing, the ice baths being a new challenge I’ve started enjoying.Everyone is always so welcoming, I feel my company is so appreciated and wanted even if I haven’t been for a while.Absolutely amazing humans! ?How have you benefited since you started?Well I’m a pretty happy positive person but when I dip my super powers excel, I feel able to take on the world.I’ve smashed hospital appointments, nailed assignments, took on real life challenges and stresses so much easier as I know there’s support, smiles and hugs on tap if I need them. The good energy we share fully charges me so I’m able to spread that vibe with everyone else after.I’ve been taught my worth and actually feel it.I’ve learnt how to love myself more and be me which is amazing! It’s fully helped me to shine and sparkle way more than I could of ever imagined. Thankyou guys, I’m so grateful to have you in my life!I don’t think you could ever not take away something positive from a morning with this lovely lot, I encourage everyone I know to try it even just the once ?

Daniel Flannigan – Paving & Landscaping Business Owner

Take a good look at this champ Daniel Flanagan ? ? because the hunt is on for him every day in the group photo. The sneaky devil ?? hides most days so we have to find him in the pic .Dan is one of those guys who makes his mind up, sets an intention and follows through with consistent action. As he committed to positively changing the course of his own experience of life, the benefits of his actions will filter through his immediate family, especially his little boy who will be lead beautifully by his fathers example.Have a read, Dan’s words are truly from the heart ❤Hi everyone, I’m Dan. I’m a 33 year old Paver & Landscaper running my own company, providing for my family and trying to live my life in the best way possible for myself and those around me. I have a 9 month old little boy who is the light of my life and who has shifted my focus to being the best version of myself I can be, for him to see growing up and be inspired to be the best he can be as well.As of the 1st of January this year I made the commitment to myself to start coming to dips and to go as often as I could. So far, I’ve managed Every.Single.Day. Whether it was with the awesome community of the Human Excellence Project or with my family of three at the weekends – those are some of the best starts to the weekends I’ve ever had – we are working towards getting my partner and bubs down here to the group soon so they can experience it with everyone too as she says has noticed the changes in me since I have started coming (she’s building up the courage so small steps to start with).I love going to the dips because I get to interact with so many interesting people. Everyday you’re talking to a different person with a different back story to their lives. Each one has a story to tell and a reason for going. It’s a safe place for everyone and anyone that has been struggling with something big or just day to day life. There is no judgement. I get to catch up with some awesome people, jump into the cold water, wash what ever happened yesterday off and start the new day feeling fresh. With the added bonus of a coffee before heading out to work. It makes me question what I’ve been doing all these years as I truly believe the decision to join HEP and dips were the best foot forward for me to make a positive change in my life and it can be for you too.Want to say a big thanks to everyone, especially Paul, Mel, Joe, Lisa and the rest of the crew who do a lot of work behind the scenes to keep the momentum going for the HEP. They do an excellent job and I can safely say everyone is proud to be a part of such a inspirational group.

Jo Hardcastle – Education assistant ( Special Needs )

Today’s ball of energy is Jo Hardcastle. From day 1 Jo has been a positive and uplifting presence at the daily dips. It would seem she has been around for years from her ability to get to know everyone she meets so quickly and easily. She treats everyone warmly and with the biggest smile and laugh. You have been a breath of fresh air Jo and we all think the world of you. Here’s Jo’s thoughts about The Human Excellence Project. I first noticed The Human Excellence Project on Ali Hays face book page. I noticed the early morning dips, the ice baths, and thought mmm that looks awesome. I was intrigued so I messaged Ali and asked her what it’s all about. She sent me the time table and said you should come on down which I did.  I’m an early bird myself and love to see the sun rise on a new day, I feel it’s so important and powerful to start your day right, and what better way than with people who seek more of the same. There’s Hugs and there free!!everyone that know Me knows I’m a hugger a real touchy feely person, there’s also laughter and most importantly people looking for connection at 6 am in the morning no less. I’m a spiritual kinda girl who loves all things wonderful, like Energy, vibes, gut feelings, the job lot I get my fill of that every morning with you guys so yep it’s a massive thumbs up for me. That’s why I just love being a part of this loving and caring community.

Lachy Norman – Environment & Conservation worker

Todays magical ✨human is Lachy ❤️ A beautiful young man who has been around the project right from the start. Lachy is genuine, kind and wise beyond his years. Whoever comes into his orbit is better for it. Having young people such as Lachy sharing THE Project principles is vital to this community continuing to make an impact to individuals lives and for that we are very grateful to him. Keep being your wonderful self Lachy and continue to make a difference in this world. And in Lachy’s words: 1. What do I love about coming to the dips?Its hard to pinpoint one thing that I adore so much, but simply put its the feeling of home, of being apart of a process of unfolding, of growing, of finding myself part of a community of such open, nurturing and intelligent people trying to be the best they can be.  2. What benefits do I feel?Knowing I can handle anything that comes my way, be it external or internal. After I’ve crawled out of bed before the sun is up and I dive into that water, no matter how cold, nothing brings me down. And the conversations with the other crazy souls, it truly is so uplifting and never fails to plaster a smile across my face every morning.  3. What keeps me coming back? I love being asked this but its hard to put into words. It needs to be experienced. Seeing new people come down always reinstates why I keep coming back. This community truly thrives, every one has each others back. They’ll do anything for each other, no matter how big or small the favour. There is so much love, the morning dips are just the tip of the iceberg for what this community does and how much I adore every single face that shows up and leaves happier each time. My mornings are always so much brighter when I come down to the dips; its my foundation, I cant imagine a life without it, and as it’s so hard in this fast paced, individualistic society with all it’s smoke and mirrors to find a genuine community who want nothing but the best from each person. No money, no buy in, no catch 22, just show up for yourself and for others. A community of true humans.

Paul Foskett – Draftsman

This week’s legend is Paul Foskett Paul is another one who quietly makes his presence felt at the daily dips, and always gives so much to THE Project when we need a hand. Paul, his wife Pat and daughter Pip know heartbreak after the sudden loss of their beautiful son and brother Ted. Paul has the courage to be open and share his journey through grief and sadness and with this vulnerability he has shown a strength that has truly helped so many people. Being able to acknowledge Paul coincides with Ted’s birthday tomorrow, which we understand is a very difficult time but one where we as a community can show him how much he and his family means to us all.  But we also cant forget that Paul is also an absolute hoot. You can’t miss him on special event days because he brings out his special beanie (as pictured ?), He is quick witted, has some pretty funny one liners and a genuine enthusiasm, especially at the floatie days, someone buy him a floatie, he keeps bringing his raft?  You really are one of the nicest chaps around. We love you Paul ❤So what does he think about us? 1. How did you hear about The Human Excellence Project? A friend of mine shared a THEP post on Facebook saying how much he loved the work Paul Holliday was doing down at Hillary’s with the early morning dips and it looked like something that I could get involved with. As is common with a lot of our dippers, it takes a while to pluck up the courage to ‘just do it’. I think I took about a month. So long in fact I couldn’t remember the groups name so I had to ask my friend for the details he’d posted. He put me in contact with Paul directly and I turned up the very next morning.  2.What you love about coming to the dips? There are so many things I love about the project but if I had to pick just one, it would be the simplicity of THE Project. It’s basically meeting up, getting wet and having a laugh. It’s not a running club, gym or other sporting activity where the idea is to lift more weight, run faster or set a personal best. It doesn’t matter how old, wealthy, educated or healthy you are. Everyone gets wet to the same degree. It’s the ultimate leveler. So with that you get to meet people from all walks of life and every one of them excellent in their own way. 3. How you have benefited since you started?Everyone who gets down to the dips has their own reasons for turning up. I have personally struggled to come to terms with the loss of my son Ted in a tragic accident and tried several forms of counselling and therapy. Aside from my family who have also struggled, being part of the project, the connection and sense of belonging has without a doubt been the best form of therapy I have ever received. Truly thankful to each and every one of ya!!!

Steve Whiteside – Lift Engineer

Today’s bright spark is Stevie Brightside Stevie always comes to the morning dips with the biggest smile and an energy that absolutely becomes his name “Brightside”. With his shark antics in the water and ability to make everyone laugh, Stevie brings fun and happiness to everyone who meets him and I’m sure you’ll agree we love having him around.  And….watching his blossoming bromance with Ned is both hilarious and heart warming ?. As usual we asked Stevie what he loves about THE Project. Here is what he said: What do I love about coming to the dips? Coming to the dips to start with gave me time that I didn’t think I had, an early morning start gives me an extra 1-2 hours a day of being in nature of being part of a community that genuinely cares for your well-being. What benefits do I feel? I get connection & new friendships all the time, I get hugs and feel appreciated & I get to give hugs an reciprocate the appreciation towards others. I get to be genuine & be myself & where I can try to make people smile or laugh which in turn makes me feel really happy. It’s the perfect start to your day. What keeps me coming back?  Well many things, its the community, the connection,the conversation & the coffee! It’s the VIBE that permeates through The Human Excellence project that brings out the support for one another & to ultimately spread happiness. I love being part of this community

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